STP PC20(2) Bristol
Class 1 paving in the town of Bristol on VT 116.
Work will consist of coarse milling the existing pavement to a 2” depth, then placing a 1/2” lift of Type IVS pavement to level the road surface, followed by a 1-1/2” lift of Type IVS pavement as the final wearing surface. Prior to the placement of the final wearing surface utility valves and drainage structures within the roadway will be adjusted as necessary. Sidewalk ramps and pedestrian crossing infrastructure will be replaced and upgraded to meet current ADA standards. Some minor drainage work will occur near and along the edge of pavement. Signs will also be replaced and upgraded as necessary to meet current specifications in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). This project is incorporated under a larger composite contract with the Vergennes STP PC20(1) Class I paving project.
This project is also administering a local project known as the Bristol Main Street Lighting & Sidewalk Project. This work begins near the intersection of North Street/South Street/Main Street and extends northerly to a point near the National Bank of Middlbury. This work entails new sidewalk, imprinted concrete and curbing on the east portion of Main Street. The west side of Main Street will receive new curbing and imprinted concrete. The existing street lighting system will be replaced in-kind with new electrical conduit, foundations/concrete pedestals and light fixtures.
Construction will be begin in the spring months of 2020 and will end in the fall of 2020. Work between the intersection of North Street/South Street/Main Street to a point near the National Bank of Middlbury at mile marker 6.719 will be done between the hours of 7:00 pm and 6:00 am the next calendar day.
Contact Information
**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.
Public Information Consultant
Natalie Boyle
(802) 855-3893