BF 0167(16) Moretown
Replace Bridge no. 2 on VT-100B in Moretown over the Mad River.
Project Location: Bridge 2 spans over the Mad River and is located on VT Route 100B in the Town of Moretown, approximately 0.5 miles north of the intersection of VT Route 100B with VT Route 100.
Bridge 2 was built in 1928 and is a concrete T-beam. The existing structure has a curb-to-curb width of 21’, and spans 59’. Bridge 2 is rated as functionally deficient. The lane and shoulder widths are substandard. There is significant deterioration and spalling in the curbs, deck fascia’s and bridge railing posts. The bridge is currently reduced to one lane with a traffic light.
Vtrans evaluated alternatives for bridge replacement of bridge 2 in an engineering study completed on August 30th, 2016. The study addresses the proposed design criteria for bridge and roadway alignment, horizontal and vertical geometries, hydraulic adequacy, historical and archaeological resources, and environmental impacts. Several alternatives were considered including no action, maintenance and repair, and full bridge replacement. Due to the functional deficiency of the bridge, the deterioration of the superstructure and the deck, and the inadequacy of the roadway geometry, the final decision is to replace the entire bridge with a new bridge on a slightly modified alignment.
The existing bridge will be replaced with a new single span bridge. It will have a 100’ length with a 30° skew that meets hydraulic standards. A rail to rail width of 30’ will also meet the current design standards and accommodate bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The new superstructure will consist of five tangent steel plate girders with a bare concrete deck. The substructure will be founded on bedrock.
Vtrans evaluated alternatives for bridge replacement of bridge 2 in an engineering study completed on August 30th, 2016. The study addresses the proposed design criteria for bridge and roadway alignment, horizontal and vertical geometries, hydraulic adequacy, historical and archaeological resources, and environmental impacts. Several alternatives were considered including no action, maintenance and repair, and full bridge replacement. Due to the functional deficiency of the bridge, the deterioration of the superstructure and the deck, and the inadequacy of the roadway geometry, the final decision is to replace the entire bridge with a new bridge on a slightly modified alignment.
The existing bridge will be replaced with a new single span bridge. It will have a 100’ length with a 30° skew that meets hydraulic standards. A rail to rail width of 30’ will also meet the current design standards and accommodate bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The new superstructure will consist of five tangent steel plate girders with a bare concrete deck. The substructure will be founded on bedrock.
Traffic control: This project will involve closing the bridge and maintaining traffic on a regional detour. A detour is cheaper, quicker for construction, safer, and has fewer impacts than other traffic maintenance alternatives. Closing the road is the safest option for both the traveling public and for the contractor.
Location Map
Link to project sharepoint site:
- VT-100B will be closed at Bridge BR#2 over MAD RIVER for 61 days between August 17, 2020 and October 17, 2020.
Contact Information
**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.
Public Information Consultant
Jennifer Zorn
(802) 862-9381 x1410