ER P23-1(327) Plymouth

Replacement of Bridge #4 on VT 100A in Plymouth at MM 2.353 due to VT23-1. DDIR-D3-VT100A-BR4.

Project Location: Town of Plymouth in Windsor County on VT Route 100A over Pinney Hollow Brook. The bridge is located approximately 2.3 miles east of VT Route 100.

The Plymouth Bridge 7 project involves replacement of the existing single span concrete slab structure. The existing bridge was built in 1947, and reconstructed in 1975. It has a length of 22 feet. The structure currently has a deck rating of 6 (satisfactory), superstructure  rating of 6, and substructure rating of 5 (fair). Deck shows moderate cracking with saturation and efflorescence. There is heavy spalling along abutment 1. Abutment 1 footing also has exposed and thinning rebar. Both abutments show cracking with rust staining and efflorescence throughout.

Contact Information

**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.

Public Information Consultant
Leah Beckett
(801) 734-4119

Contact VTrans