STP PS25(2) Orwell
Reclamation on VT 22A from Orwell MM 3.23 to Addison MM 4.084.
Project Location: The project begins on VT-22A at its intersection with VT-73 in Orwell and extends northerly along VT-22A for approximately 19.968 miles to its intersection with VT-17 in Addison.
Project Description: Work will consist of milling the existing surface to a specified depth, then the first pass reclaim process will occur, pulverizing and homogenizing the remaining pavement with underlying subgrade. New gravel will be placed in some areas along the corridor to improve banking, then a second pass reclaim process will take place which will facilitate a second round of homogenizing of the gravel and pavement as well as add in a stabilizing agent to create a structural layer of subgrade. Following the second pass reclaim, a structural thickness of pavement will be placed, consisting of a combination of cold mix and hot mix asphalt.
Additional work will include the replacement and maintenance of existing guardrail runs, some culvert replacements, ditching and Center Line Rumble Strip installations where criteria have been met. Finally, signs along the corridor will be replaced and upgraded to meet current standards set in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
Contact Information
**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.
VTrans Project Manager
Brandon Kipp
(802) 224-6110