BF 029-2(15) Eden

Replacement of Bridge No. 220 located on VT-100 in Eden over the Gihon River.

Project Location: Town of Eden in Lamoille County on VT 100 over Gihon River. Bridge 220 is a state-owned bridge, located approximately 1.8 miles south of the junction with VT 118.

The Eden Bridge 220 project includes a full bridge replacement of the existing structure with a longer bridge.  The existing structure has a length of 33 feet and a width of 33 feet. The structure currently has a deck rating of 4 (Poor), a superstructure rating of 7 (Good), and a substructure rating of 6 (Satisfactory). This bridge was constructed in 1932, and reconstructed in 1971.

The new bridge will be slightly widened to meet the standard typical section for the corridor. This includes 5-foot-wide shoulders with 11-foot-wide travel lanes. Preliminary geotechnical borings have encountered bedrock approximately 30 to 35 feet below finish grade, which is conductive to a new 70-foot span integral abutment bridge. The new structure is required to have a minimum clear span of 45 feet and low beam elevation of 897.5 feet per preliminary hydraulic analysis.

Eden Field’s Lane in its current configuration, located just off the northeast corner of the bridge, creates a safety hazard, and will be permanently relocated prior to the project. VTrans will work with the Town of Eden to choose the preferred location of the new access.

Traffic will be maintained through the project area during construction.  

Contact Information

**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.

VTrans Project Manager
Carolyn Cota
(802) 917-4891

Contact VTrans