STP PC25(3) Ludlow

Class 1 paving in Ludlow on VT 100 from mm 4.318 to mm 5.040.

Project Location: Beginning on VT Route 100 in the Village of Ludlow, at mile marker 4.318 (at the sign reading “STATE HIGHWAY ENDS”) and extending north for 0.722 miles and ending at mile marker 5.040 (at the intersection of VT-100/VT-103).

Project Description: Work will consist of course milling the existing pavement to a 2” depth, then placing a 1/2” lift of Type IVS pavement to level the road surface, followed by a 1-1/2” lift of Type IVS pavement as the final wearing surface. Sidewalk ramps and pedestrian crossing infrastructure will be replaced and upgraded to meet current ADA standards, as necessary. Some bicycle features may be added where applicable and feasible. Signs will also be replaced and upgraded as necessary to meet current specifications in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Finally, shoulder berms that have built up will be removed to facilitate better drainage from the road surface, and some ditching work may be performed to further aid in drainage.

Note that this project is part of a composite contract with the Ludlow NH PC25(4) project which will pave the National Highway System (NHS) portions of Class 1 Town Highways.

Contact Information

**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.

VTrans Project Manager
Brandon Kipp
(802) 224-6110

Contact VTrans