STP PC24(3) Montpelier
Class 1 paving in Montpelier on US 302 from mm 0.00 to mm 0.836, and US2 from mm 0.000 to 1.758.
Project Location: The project begins at the Middlesex/Montpelier townline (near Graves Street) on US Route 2 and progresses easterly for a distance of 1.767 miles to intersection of Bailey Avenue & Memorial Drive (US Route 2).
The project also begins on US Route 302, at the US Route 2/US Route 302 roundabout in Montpelier and progresses 0.832 miles to the Berlin/Montpelier townline.
Project Description: Work will consist of coarse milling the existing pavement to a 2” depth, then placing a 1/2” lift of Type IVS pavement to level the road surface, followed by a 1-1/2” lift of Type IVS pavement as the final wearing surface. Sidewalk ramps and pedestrian crossing infrastructure will be replaced and upgraded to meet current ADA standards as necessary. Some bicycle features may be added where applicable and feasible. Signs will also be replaced and upgraded as necessary to meet current specifications in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The existing traffic signal systems will receive various equipment upgrades. Finally, shoulder berms that have built up will be removed to facilitate better drainage from the road surface, and some ditching work may be performed to further aid in drainage. This project will also be constructed with the Montpelier NH PC24(2) resurfacing project on US Route 2 which begins at the Bailey Ave intersection and progresses easterly to Berlin/Montpelier town line.
Rail Crossing Work: The project will also encompass reconstructing a rail crossing near the intersection of Bailey Avenue and Memorial Avenue (WACR #837-321W). This work will entail digging to a depth of approximately 20" and replacing with new underdrain, engineered gravel, continuous welded rail and new pavement. This work will require a full road and rail closure which will overlap a weekend. See map of detour route.
Project Timeline: At this time, the project is planned to begin construction during the spring months of 2023 and conclude during the fall months of 2023.
Contact Information
**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.
Public Information Consultant
Delia Makhetha
(603) 263-8881