IM 091-1(82) Brattleboro
Rehabilitation of Bridges 4N&S located on I-91 at exit #1 in Brattleboro crossing US-5 (Canal street).
Project Location: Town of Brattleboro in Windham County on Interstate 91 at Exit 1. Bridges 4 North & South are located over US Route 5 (Canal Street).
The Brattleboro Bridges 4 N&S project will replace the existing concrete bridge decks and rehabilitate the existing concrete abutments and piers. The existing bridge decks are in fair condition overall but are in need of replacement due to large areas of concrete spalling with exposed reinforcing steel on the fascias and multiple areas where the concrete is heavily saturated with popouts on the underside of the deck.
VTrans evaluated alternatives for rehabilitation or replacement of the bridge in an engineering study completed in September, 2021. This study assessed the proposed design criteria for the structure, right-of-way, rare/threatened/endangered species impacts, hydraulics, and resource impacts. Several alternatives were considered, including: no action, deck overhang reconstruction, deck replacement, and superstructure replacement. Maintenance of traffic options considered included an offsite detour, temporary bridge, crossovers, and phased construction.
Given the age of the structure and current conditions, the engineering study recommended a bridge deck replacement. Temporary crossovers will be utilized on I-91 to maintain traffic while each bridge deck is replaced. Alternating one-way traffic will be utilized on US Route 5 at times throughout construction. The I-91 southbound on ramp for southbound US Route 5 traffic will be closed while both bridge decks are being replaced, a temporary ramp will be constructed so that southbound US Route 5 traffic can access the southern I-91 southbound on ramp.
Link to project website: https://outside.vermont.gov/agency/vtrans/external/Projects/Structures/19A220
Link to sign up for project construction updates: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/1MZHjrS
Contact Information
**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.
Public Information Consultant
Maria Esguerra
(980) 701-3176