NH PC22(2) Winooski

Class 1 paving along US 7 and VT 15

Project Location: The project begins on US-7/US-2 (Colchester Ave) at the Winooski/Burlington Town Line and continues northerly along US-7/US-2 (Main Street) to the bridge over the New England Central Rail line. The project also begins at the Winooski Circulator on VT-15 (East Allen Street) and extends easterly along VT-15 (East Allen Street) to the Winooski/Colchester Town Line at the Class 1 Town Highway limit.

Project Description: Work will consist of coarse milling the existing pavement to a 2” depth, then placing a 1/2” lift of Type IVS pavement to level the road surface, followed by a 1-1/2” lift of Type IVS pavement as the final wearing surface. Sidewalk ramps and pedestrian crossing infrastructure will be replaced and upgraded to meet current ADA standards as necessary. Some bicycle features may be added where applicable and feasible. Signs will also be replaced and upgraded as necessary to meet current specifications in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Finally, shoulder berms that have built up will be removed to facilitate better drainage from the road surface, and some ditching work may be performed to further aid in drainage.

Contact Information

**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.

Public Information Consultant
Natalie Boyle
(802) 855-3893

Contact VTrans