BO 1443(53) Poultney
Replace Bridge No. 7 on TH-6 in Poultney over the Poultney River.
Project Location: Town of Poultney in Rutland County on Town Highway 6 (On the Green) over Poultney River. The Bridge is located at the intersection of Thrall Road and River Street (TH-34) 0.05 miles south of the intersection with VT Route 140.
The Poultney Bridge 7 project includes the replacement of the existing Camelback Pony Truss. The existing structure has a span of 90-feet and a width of 20-feet. The structure currently has a deck rating of 6 (satisfactory), a superstructure rating of 5 (fair), and a substructure rating of 5 (fair). This bridge was constructed in 1925 and rehabilitated in 1968 and is 95-feet in length.
VTrans evaluated alternatives for rehabilitation or replacement of the bridge in an engineering study completed in January, 2019. This study assessed the proposed design criteria for the structure, right-of-way, historic resource impacts, hydraulics, and archaeological resource impacts. Several alternatives were considered, including: no action, truss rehabilitation with or without a separate pedestrian facility, a new Camelback Pony Truss, and full bridge replacement with a steel beam bridge using the existing truss as an ornamental fascia treatment.
Given the age of the structure, site constraints and current conditions, the engineering study recommended a new camelback pony truss with traffic maintained on an offsite detour.
Note: As a result of a 2020 inspection of the bridge and its advanced deterioration, the bridge has been closed to vehicular traffic since May15, 2020.
Until the project is complete, the vehicular traffic will be maintained on an offsite detour. Bridge acces to pedestrian and bicycle will not be available when construction begins in Summer 2022 until the project completion in Fall 2023.
Detour Route: On The Green, to Thrall Road, Route 30, Furnace Street, Grove Street, East Main Street (Route 140), back to On The Green
Through Route: 0.2 miles
Detour Route: 4.4 miles
Added Distance: 4.2 miles
End-to-End Distance: 4.6 miles
Link to project sharepoint site: https://outside.vermont.gov/agency/vtrans/external/Projects/Structures/16J180
Contact Information
**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.
Public Information Consultant
Bethany Oprendek
(802) 267-4044