BF 0125(6) Grafton
Replacement of Bridge No. 20 on FAS-0125 in Grafton over the Saxtons River.
Project Location: Town of Grafton in Windham County on FAS Route 125 (Town Highway 1) over Saxtons River. The bridge is located approximately 1.2 miles east of the junction with VT Route 35N.
The Grafton Bridge 20 project includes a full bridge replacement of the 191-foot long 3-span rolled beam bridge with a 210-foot long 2-span girder bridge founded on integral abutments and an integral pier drill shaft foundation. The existing structure currently has a deck rating of 5 (fair), a superstructure rating of 5 (fair), and a substructure rating of 6 (satisfactory). This bridge was constructed in 1937 and reconstructed and widened in 1972.
Link to project sharepoint site: https://outside.vermont.gov/agency/vtrans/external/Projects/Structures/16J177
Contact Information
**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.
Public Information Consultant
Elaine Ezerins
(603) 782-2460