BF 010-1(52) Woodford


Project Location: Town of Woodford in Bennington County on VT Route 9 over Unnamed Brook. The bridge is located approximately 2.4 miles west of the intersection with VT Route 8. The mile marker location is approximately 8.997.

This project consists of rehabilitation of the existing 7’ diameter CGMPP culvert. The existing culvert, installed in 1965, is considered to be in serious condition, rated 3, with holes in the invert of the culvert throughout its length. The culvert is 92’ long.

VTrans evaluated alternatives for rehabilitation or replacement of the culvert in an engineering study completed in July, 2015. The study assessed the proposed design criteria for the bridge, Right-of-Way impacts, wildlife impacts, hydraulics, archaeological resources, and wetland impacts. Several alternatives were considered including no action, pipe rehabilitation, and pipe replacement. Pipe rehabilitation alternatives included a new pipe liner, spray-on pipe liner, and cured-in-place liner. Placement of a new pipe by jack and bore was considered. Finally, complete replacement was considered, using a road closure with detour, a temporary bridge, or constructing the new culvert in phases while keeping traffic moving through the work zone.

Given the age of the structure, site constraints, and current conditions, the engineering study recommended rehabilitation of the pipe by installing a new liner while maintaining traffic through the work zone.

The existing roadway meets most of the geometric provisions of the Vermont State Standards. The exception is banking, which is slightly substandard throughout the project area. Since this is not a high crash location, reconstruction of the roadway to correct the substandard banking is not proposed. 

Maintenance of traffic: Periodic, short term single lane closures may cause delays, but generally traffic will be able to travel through the work zone.

Link to project sharepoint site: https://outside.vermont.gov/agency/vtrans/external/Projects/Structures/13b270

Contact Information

**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.

VTrans Project Manager
Nicholas Wark
(802) 917-8391

VTrans Resident Engineer
John Strong
(802) 917-4374

Contact VTrans

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