BF 019-3(59) Pittsford
Project Location: Town of Pittsford in Rutland County on US Route 7 over the Furnace Brook. The bridge is located immediately north of the intersection of US Route 7 and VT 3.
The Pittsford Bridge 108 project will replace the existing bridge, which is in satisfactory to fair condition and has substandard width, vertical alignment, and bridge railing with a new bridge that meets Vermont State Design Standards for width and bridge railing requirements. The existing substandard vertical alignment will remain substandard due to the site constraints. The existing bridge is a two-span concrete T-beam bridge constructed in 1931, and reconstructed in 1959. Bridge 108 is 102-feet in length.
VTrans evaluated alternatives for rehabilitation or replacement of the bridge in an engineering study completed in December 2014. The study assessed the proposed design criteria for the bridge and roadway alignment, right of way impacts, hydraulics and historical and archaeological resources. Several alternatives were considered including no action, superstructure replacement, and full bridge replacement. Given the age and condition of the structure, the engineering study recommended a full bridge replacement.
The new bridge will be a conventional steel beam bridge with a concrete deck approximately 87 feet in length. The structure is proposed to have three - 11 foot travel lanes (one northbound, one southbound, and one right turn only southbound onto VT 3) with standard shoulders and a 5’-6” sidewalk on the upstream side of the bridge. The new bridge will feature a concrete combination rail with the accompanying w-beam approach railing that meets all current standards for bridge railing. The substructure will be founded on ledge.
Two-way traffic will be maintained using a temporary bridge on the downstream side of the bridge. This allows the road to be open during construction with minimal impact to adjacent property owners and environmental resources. Pedestrian traffic will be maintained on a pedestrian bridge erected upstream of the existing bridge.
The new bridge will be constructed using two phases as the temporary bridge will partially obstruct the downstream portion of the new structure.
Traffic Maintenance: Both northbound and southbound traffic will be maintained on a two-way temporary bridge. The new bridge will be constructed in two phases.

Link to project sharepoint site: https://outside.vermont.gov/agency/vtrans/external/Projects/Structures/13b266
Contact Information
**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.
VTrans Project Manager
Carolyn Cota
(802) 917-4891
VTrans Resident Engineer
Kelsi Record
(802) 522-2733