NH PS19(1) Marshfield
Resurfacing along US 2 from Marshfield MM 0.047 to Danville MM 1.755.
Project Location: Beginning near the Plainfield/Marshfield town line on US Route 2 extending easterly along VT Route 2 to a point just west of the VT Route 15 and US Route 2 intersection in West Danville.
Project Description:
The project will consist of three different pavement treatments. 1.) Pavement Reclaimation, 2.) Pavement Resurfacing "Mill & Fill" and 3.) Pavement markings only.
Pavement Reclamation: Work will consist of milling the existing surface to a specified depth, then the first pass reclaim process will occur, pulverizing and homogenizing the remaining pavement with underlying subbase. New gravel will be placed in some areas along the corridor to improve banking, then a second pass reclaim process will take place which will facilitate a second round of homogenizing of the gravel and pavement as well as add in a stabilizing agent to create a structural layer of subbase. Following the second pass reclaim, a structural thickness of pavement will be placed, consisting of a combination of cold mix and hot mix asphalt. This treatment will occur between Plainfied/Marshfield town line to point just east of English Cemetery Road in Marshfield, between a point east of Thisle Hill Road in Cabot to Old Road 2 in Cabot, between Danville Hill Road in Cabot to a point approximately one mile east of Danville Hill Road in Cabot and between West Shore Road in Danville to Keiser Pond Road in Danville.
Pavement Resurfacing / "Mill & Fill": Work will consist of milling the existing pavement 0-4", repairing highly distressed areas/pot hole repair and then installing 1-1/2" - 4" of new pavement. This treatment will occur on between west side of the Marshfield Village to point just west of Thistle Hill Road, all of US Route 2 one mile west of West Shore Road and between Keiser Pond Road to the end of the project.
Pavement Markings Only: Pavement markings will occur between Last Road and Danville Hill Road in Cabot.
Additional work will include the replacement and maintenance of existing guardrail runs, some culvert replacements, and ditching. Signs along the corridor will be replaced and upgraded to meet current standards set in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The project will also provide geometric improvements to the intersection of US Route 2 & Cabot Road in Marshfield. (See Cabot Road Concept). The park & ride in West Danville will receive additional parking and some minor improvements to enhance user mobility.
The corridor will be evaluated for the installation of Centerline Rumble Strips (CLRS). CLRS will be installed where the speed limit is 45 MPH or greater, the pavement width is 14 feet in both directions, and the traffic volume exceeds 1500 vehicles per day. The CLRS will be stopped at Town Highway intersections, and anywhere that a residence falls within 100 feet of centerline. In these cases, the CLRS will be stopped and resumed 100 feet from either corner of the residence.
Project Timeline:
The project was scheduled to begin constuction during the spring months of 2023. The first year of construction is complete. It is anticipated that the project will resume construction in the spring months of 2024 and will be completed during summer of 2025. Winter shut down periods will occur during the fall & winter months of 2024 & 2025.
Contact Information
**Please note: Contractors are to direct all inquiries to Contract Administration during project advertisement.
Public Information Consultant
Sophia Schintzel
(781) 400-8263